Even those who don’t know much about gardening have seen plenty of cordylines. These tufted evergreen shrubs are one of the most common features of landscaped spaces because, ultimately, they’re a garden designer’s dream.
Cordylines are ideal for filling space in a way that’s attractive and long lasting. While it does flower, this species is almost always grown for its abundant foliage. The leaves of a mature cordyline plant are long and thin; they arc outwards from the centre of a stubby body which gives the species a pineapple-like shape.
These long, tall leaves help to increase the plant’s versatility. Cordylines can be grown in almost any type of space whether free and sprawling or tight and narrow. There are some varieties, like the fruiticosa cordyline, which are squatter in shape and grow to a maximum of two metres in height. Others, like the ‘C. negra cordyline – whose leaves are almost jet black – can grow tall enough to accommodate smaller plants underneath.
Let’s take a closer look at which cordylines prefer to be grown in full sunshine:
Lilinoe is one of the most dramatically coloured of all the cordyline varieties used for landscaping in Australia. It boasts leaves with a pinkish reddish tip that appear to be permanently basked in sunshine. The year round colour of this cordyline looks wonderful paired with deep green mondograsses or darker coloured cordylines.
Roostertail is a less popular cordyline variety which is steadily making its way back into Australian gardens. It is a little less elegant than lilinoe with a wilder, more unkempt appearance. This makes it a great choice for wilder spaces with less need for meticulously manicured beds and borders. It’s a wild thing with a tough temperament and a high tolerance for cooler, wetter climates.
Some other large growing cordylines varieties which love to bask in full sun are the pink diamond, Kilauea and curiously named Pele’s Smoke. As these particular cordyline varieties grow, their leaves rotate around the stem. This creates a striking aesthetic and makes the plant one of the most interesting additions to any landscaped space.
Top cordyline Varieties:
Cordyline Australis Cabbage Tree, Cordyline Australis Paradise Dream, Cordyline Australis Red Sensation, Cordyline Australis Sunrise, Cordyline Australis Sundance, Cordyline Sunset, Australis Torbay Dazzler, Cordyline Lilly
If you want a Cordylines to take place at your home, buy from Online Plants and make these Cordylines uniquely yours.