Phormium or commonly known as Flax grows best in cool climates with long periods of daylight. They are indigenous to New Zealand, so ideally growing growing conditions should be replicated. Not suitable for Northern States, humidity and heat. Grow best in well drained soil, however flax are one the those magical plants that also thrive in poor quality soil. So if you have heavy clay or even sandy soil, then flax can be a great plant to consider. The other great benefit of Flax is no need for plant food, that's right, Flax actually respond better if the soil is devoid of nutrients and fertilizer.
Flax are also a terrific pot plant option. They grow well if jammed tight into the pot. Leave them in full sun, and don't over water.
How do you take care of a Flax Plant?
Removal of dead and damaged leaves is a priority with keeping your flax plants healthy and lush. Prune damaged foliage from the base and remove entirely. Critical when pruning Flax is to use the sharpest and high quality cutting blades. Felco secateurs are an investment for gardeners, worth considering. Hold the foliage taut, and cut firmly at the base in one movement. It does take some practice to cut through the leaf in one go, and avoid tearing the foliage.
Flax thrive in poor soils, so additional plant nutrients and fertilizer is not necessary, However once per year a dressing of fine compost will help add some necessary nutrients to the soil. New Zealand flax plant care is easiest to manage in containers in northern climates.
Can Flax grow in the shade?
The large broad foliage of Flax plants mean they require plenty of sunlight to stay lush and healthy. Ideally Flax should be planted in full sun. However they can tolerate a partial shade position. At a minimum, Flax needs 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
How long does it take Flax to grow?
The common forms of Phormium tenax are fast growing, particularity with moderate watering. Expect these types to grow to full size in 3-4 years. Whilst the new hybrid forms can be a little slower.
What are the best types of Flax to buy?
There is a multitude of colors available in modern Flax plants. Here are some of our suggestions for best species of Phormium for Australian Gardens.
Online plants has the most extensive range of the highest quality Phormium/Flax plants. All with a one year guarantee to grow. Hassle free, online ordering system and delivered to your door.