Online Plants
Magnolia Grandiflora St Mary
This is a more compact and bushy form of Magnolia Grandiflora with enormous creamy white solitary cup shaped flowers. It has bright green glossy leaves with wavy margins. A wider growing variety, St. Mary is a hardy and versatile plant that will tolerate a range of conditions and is relatively pest and disease free. During the warmer months it produces beautiful, creamy-white, fragrant flowers and will flower from an early age This Magnolia variety can be grown effectively in large containers. It is growing and is a good choice for tall screening or as a specimen tree. Responds well to Winter pruning if any shaping is required.
Once established in the landscape ‘St Mary' is a very hardy plant capable of enduring heat and low levels of frost. It does prefer a sunny aspect, though they do tolerate partial shade, and some protection from strong winds will help. Mulching will also be beneficial.
At maturity will reach 6mt tall and 3mt wide after 10 years. Magnolia St Mary is available from Online Plants, Australia's leading e-commerce plant nursery. Located in Melbourne we offer fast, accurate and careful plant delivery to all Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, metropolitan and regional areas. Our free Garden Design and Consultation service is now available. T & C's apply.