Its small, dark green leaves are aromatic when crushed, emitting a pleasant tea-like scent. Leptospermum laevigatum produces attractive white flowers with five petals that bloom profusely in spring and early summer, attracting bees and other pollinators. This hardy and resilient shrub is valued for its ability to tolerate coastal winds, drought conditions, and poor soils, making it an excellent choice for coastal gardens and erosion control projects.
Tall, bushy shrub or small, twisted tree, to 6 m. Leaves are grey-green, obovate, to 2 cm. Flowers are white, to 1.5 cm diameter, in spring or early summer.
It is a hardy shrub for moist soils in a range of climates. It prefers full sun or part shade. It is tolerant of salt spray making it particularly useful in coastal areas.