Online Plants
Arctotis Red
The African Daisy or Artotis is an attractive and colourful bedding plant with grey green, lobed leaves that are quite downy underneath. But it is grown for the fabulous displays of open daisy like flowers that are produced in a variety of vibrant colours during summer and autumn. Sometimes the flowers have a contrasting central ring of colour near the centre , making for an even more dramatic effect. These plants are very good for colourful cover of large banks and also go well alongside taller perennials or shrubs. They like lots of light and in lower light conditions the flowers may close up. Soil: Well-drained, light soils with some compost dug in before planting. Give each online plants plenty of space to grow.
Maintenance: Liquid fertilisation during flowering and don't let them dry out too much in hot weather. Cut off dead flower heads to promote longer bloom times. They eventually become a bit woody but can be cut back to promote new and softer growth or just be replaced with new ones
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