Screening & Hedging Plants
Syzygium Orange Twist From $18.95 /
Grevillea Coconut Ice From $17.95 /
Syzygium Winter Lights lilly pilly From $31.96 /
Fargesia Emperor bamboo From $79.95 /
Luma Apiculata, Myrtus Luma From $17.95 /
Lagerstroemia Indica Acoma Crepe Myrtle From $169.95 /
Superb Grevillea From $14.95 /
Corymbia Ficifolia Baby Orange From $169.95 /
Agonis Burgundy, Willow Myrtle From $175.00 /
Leptospermum Burgundy From $17.95 /
Choisya ternata Mexican Orange Blossom From $15.95 /
Grevillea Ivanhoe From $16.95 /
Camellia Sasanqua, Early Pearly From $44.95 /
Westringia Blue Gem™ $15.95 /
Syzygium Resilience lilly pilly From $36.95 /
Camellia Japonica, E.G Waterhouse $42.96 /
Fargesia Luscious bamboo From $65.95 /
Leptospermum Starry Night From $17.95 /
Camellia japonica Volunteer From $26.95 /
Bamboo Oldhamii, Clumping Bamboo From $44.95 /
Camellia Japonica, Brushfield's Yellow From $42.96 /
Hakea Salicifolia, Willow Leaf Hakea From $32.95 /
Grevillea Clearview David From $15.95 /
Pittosporum tenuifolium Limelight From $18.95 /
Michelia Fairy Cream Magnolia From $49.95 /
Magnolia Grandiflora St Mary From $38.95 /
Citrus Tree Mandarin Emperor From $95.95 /
Grevillea Ned Kelly From $16.95 /
Callistemon Harkness From $32.95 /
Michelia Yunannense Scented Pearl From $45.95 /
Westringia Wynyabbie Gem From $15.95 /
Abelia Grandiflora From $16.95 /
Grevillea Robyn Gordon From $16.95 /
Camellia Japonica, Nuccio's Gem $42.96 /
Grevillea Red Hooks From $16.95 /
Corymbia Ficifolia Fairy Floss $395.00 /
Viburnum Tinus From $15.95 /
Angophora costata, Smooth barked Apple From $32.95 /
Casuarina Littoralis, Black She-Oak From $32.95 /
Westringia Grey Box™ $17.95 /
Pittosporum Tenuifolium Ivory Sheen From $15.95 /
Syzygium Australe Big Red From $39.95 /
Photinia Red Robin From $17.95 /
Grevillea Apricot Glow $18.95 /
Rhododendron, Sappho $46.95 /
Syzygium Australe, Lilly Pilly From $32.95 /
Westringia Glabra Cadabra From $15.95 /
Screening & Hedging Plants Varieties
Privacy Plants.... this section details suitable plants for backyard seclusion.
Probably the most popular section in the online plants catalogue. All are evergreen, many are drought tolerant. All are densely growing to 2mt+. Some can be pruned as low as 1mt for added density. We recommend commencing pruning before plants reach their desired height. This promotes a bushy, dense growth habit.
Formal species such as Portugese laurel, Lilly pilly and some forms of pittosporum are included here, as well as native, bird attracting bottlebrush species such as Callistemon.
Formal species such as Portugese laurel, Lilly pilly and some forms of pittosporum are included here, as well as native, bird attracting bottlebrush species such as Callistemon.
Screening Plant for Sale
Don't forget the conifers, there are some brilliant hedging options to consider here, such as Juniperus Spartan, and Leightons Green.
Even Bamboo is an excellent screen species to consider.
For further inquiries please use our free garden design service or email:
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