398 products
Drought Tolerant Plants
Grevillea Tucker Time Fruit Box $15.95 /
Dietes Iridioides Tiny Dancer $15.95 /
Banksia Marginata, Silver Banksia From $18.95 /
Escallonia Red Knight From $14.95 /
Lomandra Lime Divine $16.95 /
Bractheanthea Mohave Bronze $16.95 /
Lomandra Tilga $15.95 /
Banksia Petiolaris Creeping Banksia From $18.95 /
Casuarina Torulosa, Rose She-Oak From $32.95 /
Agapanthus Purple Magic $19.95 /
Dianella Breeze $15.95 /
Grevillea Scarlet Sprite From $15.95 /
Eucalyptus Maculata Spotted Gum From $55.95 /
Correa reflexa Red Rock Correa $15.95 /
Leucadendron Maui Sunset $17.95 /
Eucalyptus Leucoxylon Rosea Red flowering Yellow Gum From $32.95 /
Grevillea rhyolitica Inferno From $16.95 /
Ficina nodosa Knobby Club Rush $12.95 /
Acacia Podalyriifolia, Silver Wattle From $18.95 /
Callistemon Viminalis Wee Johnny $15.95 /
Raphiolepsis Snow Maiden From $18.95 /
Olea Olive Correggiola From $18.95 /
Grevillea Pink Pearl From $13.95 /
Grevillea Gingin Gem $16.95 /
Eucalyptus Lehmannii Bushy Yate From $55.95 /
Dietes Bicolour Spanish Iris From $13.95 /
Viburnum Anvi From $16.95 /
Acmena smithii minor, Sunrise, Dwarf Lily Pilly From $32.95 /
Myoporum Parvifolium fine leaf pink $13.95 /
Coleonema album White Diosma From $14.95 /
Anigozanthus Bush Elegance $18.95 /
Eucalyptus Citriodora Lemon Scented Gum From $32.95 /
Dianella Emerald Arch $14.95 /
Callistemon Mary Mackillop From $55.95 /
Dianella Seaspray $14.95 /
Grevillea Splendour From $16.95 /
Banksia blechnifolia Honey Baby From $17.95 /
Aloe Aloe Ivory Dawn $28.95 /
Euonymous Tom Thumb From $16.95 /
Juncus Pallidus Pale Rush $14.95 /
Juncus Flavidus Yellow Rush $14.95 /
Olea Olive Assorted From $18.95 /
Grevillea Longistyla Belle $55.95 /
Agapanthus Sea Spray $17.95 /
Eriostemon (Philotheca) Bournda Beauty From $15.95 /
If ever there was an important section for plant selection in Australian gardens this is it. Everyone knows the importance of choosing plants that are tolerant of our harsh climate.
Many of the species listed are native's, However, there are also many non-indigenous species that are equally capable in drought conditions. Many succulents are ideal, as are South African Leucopspermum and hardy evergreen Portuguese Laurel.