Online Plants
Prunus Lusitanica, Portugese Laurel
This is an evergreen shrub with blackish-brown bark and glossy dark green oval slightly serrated leaves and small white flowers.
Portuguese Laurel are one of our favorite screening shrubs at online plants because they respond so well to pruning, stay dense and tight, and are so unbelievably hardy and drought tolerant. This is also a great species to consider for screen pleaching. Where the bottom 1mt of the plant is kept straight and pruned bare of leaves and limbs. Whilst the the top section is pruned to promote a thick, healthy, evergreen screen.
Will reach 4mt tall if left unchecked but can be pruned down to 1mt. Best grown in well drained soil, and kept barely moist through summer. Mulching will help keep healthy and vigorous, although not essential. Fertilize in spring and autumn with complete fertilizer, and if you want to be really fussy, feed every 6-8 weeks with seasol.
Prunus lusitanica, also known as the Portuguese laurel, is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to Portugal, Spain, and western France. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is related to other fruit-bearing trees such as cherries, plums, and peaches.
Prunus lusitanica is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant for its glossy, dark green leaves, which are lance-shaped and have a pointed tip. It also produces small white or pink flowers in the spring, which are followed by small red or black berries in the summer. The plant is often used as a hedging plant or for topiary.
Buy Prunus lusitanica, portugese laurel plants from Online Plants - leading plant nursery Melbourne offering Australian wide delivery. We deliver to all Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, metropolitan and regional areas.