Coastal and Seaside Plants
Grevillea Red Hooks From $16.95 /
Banksia Ericifolia Heath Leaved Banksia From $18.95 /
Aloe Aloe Always Red $38.95 /
Eriostemon Flowergirl From $14.25 /
Casuarina Littoralis, Black She-Oak From $32.95 /
Callistemon Endeavour From $16.95 /
Westringia Grey Box™ $17.95 /
Leucophyta Moonshine $15.95 /
Grevillea Jubilee From $16.95 /
Grevillea Jelly Baby $16.95 /
Dianella Silver Streak $16.95 /
Correa Reflexa Redex $15.95 /
Grevillea Crimson Villea From $15.95 /
Escallonia Iveyi From $15.95 /
Westringia Glabra Cadabra From $15.95 /
Phormium Flax Evening Glow $17.95 /
Escallonia Pink Pixie From $17.95 /
Carex Buchananii Leather leaf Sedge $15.95 /
Cuphea hyssopifolia white $16.95 /
Banksia Bird Song $18.95 /
Grevillea Copper Crest $15.95 /
Dianella Coast Flax Lilly $14.95 /
Correa Marians Marvel $15.95 /
Phormium Flax Yellow Wave $17.95 /
Westringia Jervis Gem From $14.95 /
Carpobrotus Giant Pig Face $15.95 /
Grevillea Hookeriana From $36.95 /
Eremophila Maculata Red $16.95 /
Darwinia Citriodora $16.95 /
Carex Appressa Tall Sedge $15.95 /
Grevillea Tucker Time Fruit Box $15.95 /
Banksia Marginata, Silver Banksia From $18.95 /
Phormium Flax Jester $17.95 /
Darwinia Citriodora Prostrate $16.95 /
Banksia Petiolaris Creeping Banksia From $18.95 /
Casuarina Torulosa, Rose She-Oak From $32.95 /
Agapanthus Purple Magic $19.95 /
Grevillea Scarlet Sprite From $15.95 /
Casuarina glauca, Shagpile From $19.95 /
Grevillea rhyolitica Inferno From $16.95 /
Ficina nodosa Knobby Club Rush $12.95 /
Correa Reflexa Nummularifolia $15.95 /
Olea Olive Correggiola From $18.95 /
Grevillea Pink Pearl From $13.95 /
Grevillea Gingin Gem $16.95 /
Grevillea Splendour From $16.95 /
Plants for Coastal Gardens Australia
Coastal planting can present some of the most challenging gardening conditions. The salt air, high wind levels, and open conditions can be trying for anyone, let alone plants that are outside in the environment 24/7.
That is why it's important to make correct decisions in your Seaside garden. Online Plants have an extensive list of over 200 varieties that are suitable for bayside living. We also have the experience and knowledge to help you make the right decisions relating to plants in your coastal garden.
Coastal Plants for Sale
For the hardiest resilient plants in this section consider Coastal Rosemary, Atriplex, and giant pig face
For further information contact us at online plants.
Available for fast delivery to your door in all Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane, metropolitan and regional areas.