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How To Grow And Maintain The Bottle Brush Plant?

How To Grow And Maintain The Bottle Brush Plant?

Bottle Brush - (The name may sound funny though!) They are scientifically known as “Callistemon” - one of the brightest and most charming plants you can buy for your home garden this summer. Being the popular evergreen flowering shrub, bottle brush is a perfect summertime plant that adds visual interest to your garden. If you like to buy this bottle brush plants online, make sure you know its multiple uses in your landscape. When grown as trimmed shrubs, they look great as a hedge; when grown informally, they would still look good as a screen bed.

Before you step out to a plant nursery to buy this plant or order seeds online, learn more about their habitat, growth and flowering period, and more. You can get container bottle brush plants from trusted online plant nurseries like Online Plants for the best varieties. Without further ado, let’s get to know how to care for them.

Best Ever-Green Shrub For Your Garden – Bottle Brush

The bottle brush is an evergreen flowering plant that can come as a tree, shrub, plant and ornamental pear addition to your green garden. Their leaves are pointy, silvery, and narrow and the flowers look like a plastic brush that you use to clean a bottle.


They prefer full sun to thrive well. If you want to enjoy their full growth, make sure to feed them with organic fertiliser or compost in early spring.

Soil Preferences

They adapt to a wide range of soils and are drought-tolerant as well. However, make sure the soil is moist and well-drained. Too much moisture or sogginess can be a problem otherwise. So do not overwater them.


If it’s just starting to grow, then you must water them quite often to help establish its root system and stimulate new growth. In dry seasons, occasional watering is required to keep your plants from wilting.


Light pruning is recommended to remove any dry or dead or diseased branches. It helps them to keep in shape as well.  If you don’t know to prune, call expert pruners to prune your bottle brush plant to make them grow in your desired shape and size.

 If you want bottle brush plant seeds or cuttings or container plants, visit Online Plants today.

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